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No 1. Children’s Cookery Author Teams Up With Edx Education

© Edx Education

Edx Education is excited to announce its partnership with the UK’s no. 1 children’s cookery author Annabel Karmel. The food expert is supporting Edx Education’s “Learning through Play” philosophy with a selection of exclusive “Brain Boosting Recipes.” Drawing on her 28 years of recipe expertise, Annabel has cooked-up delicious brain boosting recipe cards for under-fives to fuel their learning and development and most importantly, play.

Edx Education has devised a number of educational toys which will feature on the “brain boosting” recipe cards. Both Annabel Karmel and Edx Education have seen the benefits of encouraging play and healthy eating and are looking forward to working together to promote the benefits.

Annabel Karmel, Founder, Karmel Foods, said: “I’m thrilled to partner with Edx Education. Children of all ages can benefit from creative play and for this they need to be fuelled on the right foods. Eating habits and tastes are formed from an early age, so it’s crucial to introduce a good variety of nutritious foods at the earliest possible opportunity. Edx Education share my vision to ensure children stay fuelled on the right foods to support them in these all important early years. Their philosophy of ‘Learning through Play’ is such a fantastic approach and together we hope that my brain boosting recipes will inspire parents to encourage interactive play and healthy eating at home.”

Edx Education has been working with educational experts globally to develop an advocacy campaign 2020 for “Learning through Play” to fulfil children’s needs at different stages of their key development areas.

Research also shows how children need to explore and experiment by “learning through play.” From a young age, children’s minds are curious especially in these early years and independent play sparks their imagination, develops their speech and language along with many more key development areas.

Murray Jackson, CEO, Edx Education, said: “We are very excited about this partnership with Annabel Karmel as it is aimed at advocating the importance of learning through play and healthy eating to parents and teachers as well as fostering creativity in their first 5 years when the brain is in its early development stages.”

As part of the partnership between Edx Education and Annabel Karmel there will be access to a host of recipes, play activities, articles and competitions on their respective social media channels, all focussed on “brain boosting” foods and learning through play.